AzureRed Fluorescent Total Protein Stain AçıklamaDokümanlar AzureRed Fluorescent Total Protein Stain Total protein stain for gels and blots Detect less than 1 ng of protein per band or spot with AzureRed Fluorescent Protein Stain. AzureRed is a quantitative, fluorescent protein stain for total protein normalization in blots and total protein detection in gels. It is…
Azure Cielo 6 AçıklamaDokümanlar Azure Cielo 6 The Azure Cielo 6 Real-Time PCR system brings you the accuracy and sensitivity you need for your research, with intuitive touch screen software. Product Features Flexibility—Engineered for a wide variety of qPCR applications, with high sensitivity and wide dynamic range Intelligent workflow—Our user interface allows simple touch screen…
Biyomoleküler Tarayıcı AçıklamaVideoDokümanlar Sapphire Biomolecular Imager The next generation lab imaging platform With most imaging systems a decision between application flexibility and image quality has to be made. However, the Sapphire Biomolecular Imager is a next generation laser scanning system which offers the best of both worlds; unparalleled flexibility with excellent sensitivity and image quality.…
CyFlow® Ploidi Analizörü AçıklamaDokümanlar CyFlow® Ploidi Analizörü • Haplo-, Diplo-, Triplo- ve Poliploidler için Tarama • Ploidi ve Genom boyutu analizi iki dakikadan daha kısa sürede tamamlanır • Anisoploidiler, Allopoliploidiler ve Anöploidilerin Tespiti • Mikroskopik değerlendirmeyle zaman kaybedilmez • Her türlü bitki materyali analiz edilebilir: Yapraklar, fideler, kökler, çiçekler, meyve kabukları, tohumlar Bitki ve Hayvanlarda…
DropChip AçıklamaVideoDokümanlar The DropChip™ is ideal for droplet generation applications. Compatible with the ExiGo microfluidic pump. Features: • Reusable plastic biochips contain 3 “droplet generators” and one “splitter” (Y-junction channel) for splitting the continuous phase (oil or water). • Fluidic ports allow the user to plug directly a 25 Gauge needle into the inlet without…