Apoptoz Kitleri AçıklamaDokümanlar Apoptosis Tools Apoptosis (“normal” or “programmed” cell death) is the physiological process by which unwanted or useless cells are eliminated during development and other normal biological processes. Name Format Species Reactivity Size Clone Status Regulatory Annexin V Binding Buffer (10X) – All mammalian 50 ml – RUO Biotin Annexin V Biotin All…
WesternBlot Antibodies AçıklamaDokümanlar WesternBlot Antibodies Immunostep has long been working to find and develop the best antibodies for Flow Cytometry. This has allowed us to obtain monoclonal antibodies that afford a better fluorescence intensity than other products available on the market. Moreover, Immunostep subjects all its antibodies to stringent testing such as repeatability, diagnostic sensitivity,…
İzotipik Kontroller AçıklamaDokümanlar Isotype Controls Immunostep has long been working to find and develop the best antibodies for Flow Cytometry. This has allowed us to obtain monoclonal antibodies that afford a better fluorescence intensity than other products available on the market. Moreover, Immunostep subjects all its antibodies to stringent testing such as repeatability, diagnostic sensitivity,…
Çoklu Renk Antikorlar AçıklamaDokümanlar Multicolor Reagents Immunostep has long been working to find and develop the best antibodies for Flow Cytometry. This has allowed us to obtain monoclonal antibodies that afford a better fluorescence intensity than other products available on the market. Moreover, Immunostep subjects all its antibodies to stringent testing such as repeatability, diagnostic…
Fare İmmünoloji Antikorları AçıklamaDokümanlar Mouse Immunology Immunostep has long been working to find and develop the best antibodies for Flow Cytometry. This has allowed us to obtain monoclonal antibodies that afford a better fluorescence intensity than other products available on the market. Moreover, Immunostep subjects all its antibodies to stringent testing such as repeatability, diagnostic…