Vena8 Endothelial+ AçıklamaVideoDokümanlar The Vena8 Endothelial+™ biochip is ideal for cell-cell rolling and adhesion assays on cell monolayers and cell culture under shear flow. Ideal for use with PCR. Compatible with brightfield, phase contrast imaging and fluorescence microscopy. Features: —Cell-cell rolling and adhesion assays on cell monolayers and cell culture under shear flow. —Cells cultured…
Azure 300 Kemilüminesan Western Blot Görüntüleme Sistemi AçıklamaDokümanlar Azure 300 Chemiluminescent Western Blot Imaging System Say goodbye to the darkroom with the Azure 300. Get digital chemiluminescent detection at a sensitivity equal to film but without all the hassles. Simply place your Western blot into the system and acquire the image with the click of…
Sekonder Antikorlar Açıklama St. John’s Laboratory HRP, Biotin, AU, FITC, vb. gibi konjuge edilmiş sekonder antikorlarına ulaşmak için tıklayınız. İlgili Ürünler
ELISAs | Single Analyte Assays AçıklamaDokümanlar ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a simple, cost-effect technique performed on serum, plasma, cell supernatant, and other biological fluids to determine the presence of an antigen in a sample. Sandwich ELISAs utilize multiple-well microtiter plates, coated with capture antibodies, to capture soluble proteins. The bound proteins are then detected…
Azure 400 Floresan Western Blot Görüntüleme Sistemi AçıklamaDokümanlar Azure 400 Visible Fluorescent Western Blot Imaging System The Azure 400 is a visibly better visible fluorescent imaging system that can also perform chemiluminescent detection at the same sensitivity as film. With three-channel RGB excitation for Cy5/Cy3/Cy2 fluorescent Western blot applications, you can quantify three proteins on…